All About Franchising
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What to Expect When You Explore Franchising

If you’re thinking that business ownership might be for you but aren’t sure how to get started, we’ve outlined what this process might look like.

Somehow you learned about Sticky Fingers Cooking—maybe on LinkedIn, in a social media post, through your child’s school, or at an event—and the possibility of franchising with the brand. Is this the career switch of your dreams—working from home, teaching kids how to cook, and being your own boss? If you have not been involved with franchising or started a business before, you might not be sure what comes next and how much time will be involved. 

The good news is that we have a process that helps both the franchisor and the prospective franchisee work efficiently to see if this might be a good fit for both parties.

Explore Franchising Step By Step

Step 1

Send us a message here. We ask some basic questions about your location, experience, and what your hopes and dreams are as a business owner. The location is important because the franchise model is based on zip codes and territories that have been created for maximum benefit. Our team has determined where each franchisee will find the most customers so once we learn your location we can see if this is a good place to grow a business. Either way, we’ll get back to you and then it might be on to the next step.

Step 2

While you’re waiting to hear back from us, or maybe even before you send your inquiry, it’s a good time to review the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This is where you can learn about how long it takes to go through the “vetting process” with our team, what the startup costs will be, where the business operates, and much more! The action item here is to review the information so that when we do meet, you can save time by focusing on questions we haven’t already answered and we can truly get to know one another. 

Step 3

We will send you a FREE Franchisee Guide by email. 

Step 4

Let’s assume your location is a good fit and you want to meet the team. We will schedule a call—plan on an hour to discuss things—and to be on camera for this teleconference. Sometimes candidates want to meet in person rather than on the phone, given what a big decision this is. We are based in Denver, Colorado, and depending on the schedules of the team members, can possibly arrange to have an old-fashioned in-person meeting together.

woman in a video chat on her cell phone

Step 5

We have to talk about money. This can be awkward but we have everyone’s best interest in mind to see each location be a success. You have to be prepared to share financial data that allows this process to move ahead. We can talk about third-party funding options that might assist you in the start-up phase. Sticky Fingers Cooking has a strong relationship with Benetrends and other funding organizations.

Real Talk: The truth is, we go through these steps to make sure that this is going to be a good relationship in every way—personally and financially. The franchisor—Sticky Fingers Cooking—must do their due diligence to learn about the financial security of the franchisee—you—before awarding a franchise. This is to protect the brand but also the individual who is making an investment. Also, be aware that no franchisor can tell you an exact amount of income to expect with your new business. 

Step 6

Now that we’ve met and it’s clear we are good match and your numbers look good, it’s decision time! Talk it over with friends, family, financial advisors, and our team. We may also be able to connect you with one of our existing franchisees during the validation process so they can candidly respond to any additional concerns or questions you might have. 

Step 7

Sign a lot of papers! A lot!

Step 8

Before you start teaching, it’s time to learn. We have a two-week training for all new franchisees, and this includes time at the home office in Denver. We have outlined some of what you can expect to learn during training on this website page.

woman raising her hand in a classroom

We wish you the best of luck in your journey to business ownership! Contact Sticky Fingers Cooking today if you want to pursue your goals of business ownership.

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Sticky Fingers Cooking
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