Building Community & Business
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Driven by Your Success

What does it mean to be a success? Sticky Fingers Cooking founder and CEO explores this important topic for franchisee business owners.

As a mom and a business owner I find myself with different versions of success in my life—and they aren’t about just money. Yes, making a good living is important for many reasons, including providing opportunities for my children. 

The business owner in me has defined success by the many new young chefs we’ve created through thousands of cooking classes; the formerly picky eaters who tried something new; the happy families who see the delight in their kiddos as they learn a new skill; and how we’ve grown in the number of students served so that our bottom line also grew. 

A New Definition of Success

Since Sticky Fingers Cooking has evolved to become a franchisor, the meaning of success has also changed for me.

colleagues high-fiving one another

Here is what success means to me today:

  • Seeing a franchisee fulfill their dream of business ownership.
  • Learning about the difference a franchisee is making in their local community by providing instruction in healthy meal preparation for kids and their families. 
  • Knowing that a family is enjoying financial freedom through their franchising opportunity with Sticky Fingers Cooking. 
  • When a franchisee shares that they now have work-life balance thanks to becoming a business owner with our brand. 
  • Helping even more kids learn to make and cook healthy snacks and meals for themselves and their families for a lifetime! 

I am passionate about good nutrition and delicious food and it is amazing to me every single day that through my business I can pass this on and watch as others benefit.

Success for Women

As a woman, it is also very important to me to be part of lifting up other women who may have found their job prospects limited during their motherhood years or due to some other circumstances.

woman celebrating with a fist pump

I have shared in another blog, Women and Sticky Fingers Cooking, that this is primarily a women-led and operated company. Our first two franchisees, Lucy Warenski and Alli Doyle, are women and that seems like such a natural fit. They each have their own definitions of success, but I know it includes being in a business that allows them the flexibility to spend time with their families. 

The Sticky Fingers Cooking franchise opportunity is one with a relatively low cost of entry, which makes it appealing for women who may have been in jobs that weren’t paying them their full worth. Even today in 2023, the Pew Research Center tells us that women earn 82% of what men earn. 

As female business owners, we can each—whether as the franchisor or the franchisee—set the example for the next generation, which coincidentally is the same group we teach in our classes. To see the young girls of today grown into tomorrow’s business leaders who will have equal earnings, that is success!

Looking Ahead to Success

When I look ahead to where I want Sticky Fingers Cooking to be in 10 years, what I see are—yes, lots of smiling young faces happily trying new foods!—business owners who have achieved something new for themselves. These franchisees will be employers of their own chef instructors and be able to change those lives as well as the students. As local business owners, they will be important members of their community and able to give back in meaningful ways to the families they serve. Finally, the Sticky Fingers Cooking franchisees will unlock financial rewards through their hard work and dedication to the system we have created for them to build from each day. 

If this sounds like your definition of success, please get in touch today. Our website has many details about what it takes to become a Sticky Fingers Cooking franchisee, and we’d like to hear from you. Simply go to our inquire page and send us a note so we can see if this is a good fit for both of us.

sticky fingers cooking happy chef graphic
Erin Fletter, Founder
Verified writer
girl in a sticky fingers cooking after-school class


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